Sound Mind: Men and Violence Part 2: The Increase of Sexual Aggression by Men
March 6, 2018. KCIS Radio Seattle. This is the second in a two-part series about men and violence. In this […more…]
Posted on 03/08/2018 by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind: Men and Violence – Part 1
February 27, 2018. KCIS Radio Seattle. In this broadcast Daniel talks about the phenomenon of male violence. The topic is […more…]
Posted on 02/28/2018 by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind: Streamlining our Thinking
February 20, 2018. KCIS Radio Seattle. A cluttered mind is like a cluttered house. The disorganization keeps us from seeing […more…]
Posted on by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind: (two topics) Valentine’s Day / Personality Disorders
February 13, 2018 KCIS radio, Seattle. In this Broadcast Daniel takes a moment to talk about the importance of remembering […more…]
Posted on 02/13/2018 by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind:The Issue of Sexual Abuse
February 5, 2018. KCIS Radio, Seattle. We hear so much in the news today about sexual harassment and sexual abuse. […more…]
Posted on 02/08/2018 by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind: Compatibility in Marriage
January 30, 2018. KCIS Radio Seattle. What makes for compatibility in marriage? This is a question considered by many already […more…]
Posted on 01/31/2018 by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind: What is Bi-Polar Disorder?
January 23, 2018. KCIS Radio, Seattle. Manic depressive disorder used to refer to a crippling mental disorder that required hospitalization. […more…]
Posted on 01/26/2018 by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind: Restoration After Infidelity.
January 16, 2018. KCIS Radio Seattle. Without a doubt one of the most devastating things that can happen to a […more…]
Posted on 01/18/2018 by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind: Love, Power and a Sound Mind: Managing Fear.
January 9, 2018. KCIS Radio, Seattle. “We have nothing to fear but fear itself .” FDR. Fear can immobilize, and […more…]
Posted on 01/11/2018 by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind: How Modern Mental Health Practice is Changing Faith
December 11, 2017. KCIS Radio Seattle. Â In his book The Manufacturing of Depression, Dr Gary Greenberg talks about the history […more…]
Posted on 12/31/2017 by Daniel Pryor