Sound Mind: Understanding Relationships as Distances
May 10, 2016. Why do we attract certain people? Why do we form the relationships we form? Why are our […more…]
Posted on 05/15/2016 by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind: How Counseling / Coaching Works For You
April 26, 2016. Daniel talks about his work specifically; how he teaches very practical and effective life-management tools that move […more…]
Posted on 04/27/2016 by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind: How Vulnerability Conquers Shame and Fear
April 19, 2016. Fear and shame underlie much of our behavior and uncomfortable emotions. In this broadcast, Daniel talks about […more…]
Posted on 04/22/2016 by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind: Communication as a healer
April 12, 2016. In this broadcast Daniel talks about how the proper, intentional communication style can actually change our outlook […more…]
Posted on by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind: Renewing your Mind
March 23, 2016. In Romans 12:2 we are admonished to renew our minds, so that we can experience (prove) the […more…]
Posted on 03/23/2016 by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind: Temptation and Neurology
March 15, 2016. The apostle Paul exhorts believers to “lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets […more…]
Posted on 03/19/2016 by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind: Communication
March 8, 2016. Communication is so critical to relationship. The way we communicate is more often than not the difference […more…]
Posted on 03/09/2016 by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind: The Importance and Process of Achievement.
March 1, 2016. Growing as a person requires some degree of achievement. But at some point in life, we might […more…]
Posted on 03/01/2016 by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind: Addressing Sex-related Addictions in Marriage
February 23, 2016. Are sex-related addictions a problem for married couples? In this broadcast Daniel talks about the problem of […more…]
Posted on 02/23/2016 by Daniel Pryor
Sound Mind: Current Unique Challenges For Parents of Teenagers
February 16, 2016. We are in a cultural free fall. Today teenagers face unique challenges in a society that lacks […more…]
Posted on 02/17/2016 by Daniel Pryor